- Inline functions
- Direction fields
- Numerical solution of initial value problems
- Plotting the solution
Combining direction field and solution curves
Finding numerical values at given t values - Symbolic solution of ODEs
- Finding the general solution
Solving initial value problems
Plotting the solution
Finding numerical values at given t values
Inline Functions
If you want to use a function several times it is convenient to define it as a so-called inline function:
f1 = inline('sin(x)*x','x')
defines the function f1(x)=sin(x)*x
. Note that the arguments of inline
must be strings (not symbolic expressions). You can then use the function f1
in expressions you type in.
You can also define inline functions of several variables:
g1 = inline('x*y+sin(x)','x','y')
defines the function g1(x,y)=x*y+sin(x)
of two variables.
Direction Fields
First download the file dirfield.m
and put it in the same directory as your other m-files for the homework.
Define an inline function g
of two variables t
, y
corresponding to the right hand side of the differential equation y'(t) = g(t,y(t)). E.g., for the differential equation y'(t) = t y2 define
g = inline('t*y^2','t','y')
You have to use inline(...,'t','y')
, even if t
or y
does not occur in your formula.
To plot the direction field for t going from t0 to t1 with a spacing of dt and y going from y0 to y1 with a spacing of dy use dirfield(g,t0:dt:t1,y0:dy:y1)
. E.g., for t
and y
between -2 and 2 with a spacing of 0.2 type
Solving an initial value problem numerically
First define the inline function g
corresponding to the right hand side of the differential equation y'(t) = g(t,y(t)). E.g., for the differential equation y'(t) = t y2 define
g = inline('t*y^2','t','y')
To plot the numerical solution of an initial value problem: For the initial condition y(t0)=y0 you can plot the solution for t going from t0 to t1 using ode45(g,[t0,t1],y0)
Example: To plot the solution of the initial value problem y'(t) = t y2, y(-2)=1 in the interval [-2,2] use
The circles mark the values which were actually computed (the points are chosen by Matlab to optimize accuracy and efficiency). You can obtain vectors ts
and ys
with the coordinates of these points using [ts,ys] = ode45(g,[t0,t1],y0)
. You can then plot the solution using plot(ts,ys)
(this is a way to obtain a plot without the circles).
To combine plots of the direction field and several solution curves use the commands hold on
and hold off
: After obtaining the first plot type hold on
, then all subsequent commands plot in the same window. After the last plot command type hold off
Example: Plot the direction field and the 13 solution curves with the initial conditions y(-2) = -0.4, -0.2, ..., 1.8, 2:
hold on
for y0=-0.4:0.2:2
[ts,ys] = ode45(g,[-2,2],y0); plot(ts,ys)
hold off
To obtain numerical values of the solution at certain t values: You can specify a vector tv
of t values and use [ts,ys] = ode45(g,tv,y0)
. The first element of the vector tv
is the initial t value; the vector tv
must have at least 3 elements. E.g., to obtain the solution with the initial condition y(-2)=1 at t = -2, -1.5, ..., 1.5, 2 and display the results as a table with two columns, use
To obtain the numerical value of the solution at the final t-value use ys(end)
Solving a differential equation symbolically
sol = dsolve('Dy=t*y^2','t')
The last argument 't'
is the name of the independent variable. Do not type y(t)
instead of y
If Matlab can't find a solution it will return an empty symbol. If Matlab finds several solutions it returns a vector of solutions.
Sometimes Matlab can't find an explicit solution, but returns the solution in implicit form. E.g.,
Unfortunately Matlab cannot handle initial conditions in this case. You can use
ezcontour('t-1/2*y^2+exp(y)',[-4 4 -3 3])
to plot several solution curves for t in [-4,4], y in [-3,3]. You can useezplot('t-1/2*y^2+exp(y)-1',[-4 4 -3 3])
to plot only the curve where t-1/2*y^2+exp(y)=1.
The solution will contain a constant C1
. You can substitute values for the constant using subs(sol,'C1',value)
. E.g., to set C1
to 5 and plot this solution for t=-2 to 2 use
ezplot( subs(sol,'C1',5) , [-2 2] )
To solve an initial value problem additionally specify an initial condition:
sol = dsolve('Dy=t*y^2','y(-2)=1','t')
To plot the solution use ezplot(sol,[t0,t1])
. Here is an example for plotting the 13 solution curves with the initial conditions y(-2) = -0.4, -0.2, ..., 1.8, 2:
sol = dsolve('Dy=t*y^2','y(-2)=y0','t')
for y0=-0.4:0.2:2
ezplot( subs(sol,'y0',y0) , [-2 2])
hold on
hold off
axis tight
To obtain numerical values at one or more t values use subs(sol,'t',tval)
and double
(or vpa
for more digits):
sol = dsolve('Dy=t*y^2','y(-2)=1','t')
This gives a numerical value of the solution at t=0.5:
double( subs(sol,'t',0.5) )
This computes numerical values of the solution at t=-2, -1.5, ..., 2 and displays the result as a table with two columns:
tval = (-2:0.5:2)'; % column vector with t-values
yval = double( subs(sol,'t',tval) )% column vector with y-values
[tval,yval] % display 2 columns together
(continued in Using Matlab for Higher Order ODEs and Systems of ODEs)
Tobias von Petersdorff
1 comment:
function dirfield(f,tval,yval)
% dirfield(f, t1:dt:t2, y1:dy:y2)
% plot direction field for first order ODE y' = f(t,y)
% using t-values from t1 to t2 with spacing of dt
% using y-values from y1 to t2 with spacing of dy
% f is the name of an inline function (without quotes),
% or the name of an m-file (with quotes).
% Example: y' = -y^2 + t
% Show direction field for t in [-1,3], y in [-2,2], use
% spacing of .2 for both t and y:
% f = inline('-y^2 + t','t','y')
% dirfield(f, -1:.2:3, -2:.2:2)
dt = tval(2) - tval(1);
dy = yval(2) - yval(1);
s = 1./max(1/dt,abs(yp)./dy)*0.35;
h = ishold;
quiver(tval,yval,s,s.*yp,0,'.r'); hold on;
if h
hold on
hold off
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