Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Print to png file from Octave
Here is the link to the original post.
I ran into a problem trying to print a plot to a PNG file. I originally reported this to the octave bugs list but I finally realized it was more a matter of understanding how to use fonts with Octave 3.0 under Linux. (I don't know if this problem exists for Windows users or if so how to solve it). It took me a long time to figure out how this works so I thought I'd share the answer.
I was trying to do something like this:
x = 1:10 ;
plot (x);
title ('My plot');
print myplot.png -dpng
When Octave executed the print command, I got this error message:
gdImageStringFT: Could not find/open font while printing string My plot with font Helvetica
It turns out that Octave 3.0 uses 'Helvetica' as it's default font and if you don't happen to have a Helvetica font installed, you'll get this error message. I fixed this problem by finding the fonts that are installed on my system and explicitly specifying which font to use. Here's a detailed explanation:
First you need some fonts. You could use one of the five default fonts available in gnuplot but I found them way too limited for my needs. You probably already have some good true type fonts installed in your Linux distro. If not, you should be able to install some with your package manager.
Next you need to find the path to the fonts. Try looking in "/usr/share/fonts/truetype". If they aren't there, you can do "find . -name *.ttf" from /usr or other system directories until you find the font directories. As an example, I found two font files I wanted to use:
Now you need to tell gnuplot where to find the fonts. Do this by setting the GDFONTPATH environment variable. I had to list each font subdirectory like this:
export GDFONTPATH="/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-mgopen:/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu"
Now you can use the name of the font file in Octave like this:
title ('My plot', 'FontName', 'MgOpenModernaBold.ttf', 'FontSize', 18);
As far as I can tell, the Octave plot window didn't use the font I specified but when I printed to a PNG file, it had the right font.
If for some reason, setting GDFONTPATH doesn't work, you can specify the full path to the font. It's a yucky hack, but it works. I discovered thru trial and error that there seems to be some magical length limit on the path name. When I did this in octave:
title ('My plot', 'FontName', "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-mgopen/MgOpenModernaBold.ttf");
I got an error. So I copied the font file to a directory with a shorter name and shortened the file name as well:
title ('My plot', 'FontName', "/home/dave/Fonts/MdrnaBd.ttf");
This works just fine.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Octave Tutorial
Octave resources:
- Type help help at the octave command line to find out about the built in documentation system
- Type help
> to get documentation on a particular keyword, operator, or function. Here is an example of asking for documentation on the sin() function: octave:1>help sin - On-line Tutorial: There are several on-line octave/MATLAB tutorials. Here is a link to one which gives a good introduction to the language:
- On-line octave Manual: The octave manual is available as a PDF here:
- octave-forge documentation: octave-forge is a library of octave functions for working on domain specific (including audio signal processing) problems. You can install octave-forge using fink. Here is the link to the octave-forge on-line documentation:
Octave Tutorial and Notes:
- Create a column vector named: v
octave:2> v = [ 0; 1; 2]
v =
1 - Create a row vector named: v
octave:1> v = [ 0 1 2 ]
v =
0 1 2 - Create a 2 x 3 matrix named: m:
octave:3> m = [ 0 1 2; 3 4 5 ]
m =
0 1 2
3 4 5 - Create vector containing 11 elements with values between 0 and 10:
octave:4> s = [ 0:10]
s =
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Create a vector containing 6 sequential even values.
octave:5> v = [0:2:10]
v =
0 2 4 6 8 10 - Create a vector as the composition of two vectors:
octave:6> v = [ 3 4 5 [ 6 7 8 ] ]
v2 =
3 4 5 6 7 8 - Create a vector as the composition of two previously created vectors.
octave:8> x0 = [ 6 7 8];
octave:9> x1 = [ 3 2 1 0];
octave:10> x2 = [ x0 x1]
x2 =
6 7 8 3 2 1 0 - When creating a vector or matrix using composition the sizes of the component vectors must be compatible. Notice that this example produces an error.
octave:14> x1 = [0; 1; 3] % create a column vector
x1 =
octave:15> x3 = [x0 x1] % compose a row and col vector
error: number of rows must match (3 != 1) near line 15, column 11
error: evaluating assignment expression near line 15, column 4 - Use size() and length() to determine the number of rows/columns in a matrix or vector.
octave:15> size(x1)
ans =
3 1
octave:16> size(x0)
ans =
1 3
octave:17> size(m)
ans =
2 3
octave:18> length(x1)
ans = 3
octave:19> length(x0)
ans = 3 - Access the values in a matrix or vector by addressing the elements by their index.
octave:23> disp(v2) % use disp() to display a mtx's values
3 4 5 6 7 8
octave:24> v2(4) % show the 4th element in vector v2
ans = 6 - Remember indexing begins with 1. In other words the first element in the vector is at index 1 (not index 0).
octave:25> v2(1)
ans = 3
octave:26> v2(0) % error! index 0 is always invalid
error: invalid vector index = 0 - Likewise using an index greater than the length of a vector will produce an error.
octave:26> v2(10)
error: invalid vector index = 10 - Extract a vector of values from a vector. Create a vector by extracting the values from v2 at indexes 2,3 and 4.
octave:27> v4 = v2(2:4)
ans =
4 5 6 - Extract a vector of values from a vector. Create a vector by extracting the values from v2 at indexes 1 and 3. Notice the index argument uses the sequential vector syntax to generate the index values.
octave:30> v2(1:2:4)
ans =
3 5 - Use the 'end' keyword to access all the elements from a start element to the last element in the vector.
octave:34> v2(3:end)
ans =
5 6 7 8 - Extract rows and columns from a matrix.
octave:41> x = [ 0 1 2; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] % create a matrix
x =
0 1 2
4 5 6
7 8 9
octave:42> x(1:2,:) % extract the first two rows
ans =
0 1 2
4 5 6
octave:43> x(:,2:3) % extract columns 2 and 3
ans =
1 2
5 6
8 9 - Extract a matrix from a matrix.
octave:44> x(1:2,2:3)
ans =
1 2
5 6
octave:45> x(1:end,2:3)
ans =
1 2
5 6
8 9 - Extract all the elements of a matrix as a vector. This is a form of composition. The columns of the vector are concatenated beginning with the first column to form a column vector
octave:46> m(:)
ans =
5 - Arithmetic operations with vectors and scalars.
octave:53> v0 = [ 1 2 3];
octave:54> v0 + 5 % sum of a vector and a scalar
ans =
6 7 8
octave:55> v0 * 5 % product of a vector and a scalar
ans =
5 10 15 - Arithmetic operations on vectors. Note the .* is used to perform an element for element multiply.
octave:57> v0 .* [2 4 6]
ans =
2 8 18 - Here is an example of the error generated when two matrices of the same size are multiplied.
octave:59> v0 * [2 4 6]
error: operator *: nonconformant arguments (op1 is 1x3, op2 is 1x3)
error: evaluating binary operator `*' near line 59, column 4 - To perform an element by element multiply the two vectors must be exactly the same size. Here is an example of the error generated when there is a size mismatch.
octave:59> v0 .* [ 20 30 40 50 ]
error: product: nonconformant arguments (op1 is 1x3, op2 is 1x4)
error: evaluating binary operator `.*' near line 59, column - Matrix transposition: swapping rows and columns of a matrix
octave:60> disp(m)
0 1 2
3 4 5
octave:61> m' % apostrophe operator performs transposition
ans =
0 3
1 4
2 5 - Comparison operators (>,<,>=,<=,==,!=) produce matrices of ones and zeros (boolean matrix). In this example the result vector has a one where the value in the vector is greater than 4 and 0 where the value is less than or equal to 4.
octave:64> v % display the vector v
v =
0 2 4 6 8 10
octave:65> v > 4 ans =
0 0 0 1 1 1 - Using the compare operation to select values from a vector. The expression in parenthesis returns [0 0 0 1 1 1] which in turn is multiplied by the vector v. Only those elements which have a corresponding 1 in the boolean vector will occur in the result.
octave:69> (v > 4) .* v
ans =
0 0 0 6 8 10 - Use the find() function to return the indexes whose position evaluates to true.
octave:73> disp(v)
0 2 4 6 8 10
octave:74> find(v > 4)
ans =
4 5 6 - Useful built-in functions: The following built in function will be particularly useful in this class. The versions of wavin() and wavout() linked here will read and write .wav files under OS-X correctly. Download and copy them to your octave folder to use them.
size(), length()
max(), min()
zeros(), ones()
plot() and stem()
wavout(), wavin() - Writing octave programs: Below is the simplest possible octave program. It takes two numbers add them together and returns the sum. Remember you must create octave programs using a plain text editor and the scripts must be stored in the folder specified by the LOADPATH variable in your .octaverc file. See the course software installation document for more about this. The name of the file should match the name of the function and use the file name extension .m. This function should therefore be saved as myadder.m.
function y = myadder( a, b )
y = a + b;
endfunction - Calling an octave program: here is an example of calling the myadder().
octave:82> myadder(3,2)
ans = 5 - Argument passing and return values: When you call an octave program the parameters listed in parenthesis on the first line of the program (a and b in myadder()) are assigned the values in their corresponding position in the function call. In this example a is set to 3 and b is set to 2. The return value (y in myadder()) is assigned the output value which then becomes the value of the function on the command line.
- Putting the semicolon after an octave statement prevents the value of the statement from being printed. (The semicolon serves the same purpose on the command line). Try removing it from myadder() to see the result. Note that leaving the semicolon off of statements in a function is a good way of debugging the function because the result of the statements will be printed as they are executed. The printed values will allow you to trace the state of the function as it evaluates.
- Multiple values and matrices can be returned from a program. Create a file named summDiff.m with the following code:
function [v0 v1] = sumDiff( arg0, arg1 )
v0 = arg0 + arg1; % create the sum or arg0 and arg1
v1 = arg0 - arg1; % create the difference of arg0 and arg1
endfunction - Accessing multiple return values: Note the syntax used to access the multiple return values. In this case x0 and x1 are assigned values of v0 and v1 from the function.
[x0 x1] =sumDiff([1 2 3],[4 5 6])
x0 =
5 7 9
x1 =
-3 -3 -3 - One reason to write a function is to take advantage of the program flow control that is available there. Two of the most common flow control constructs are if-else-endif and the for loop. This function uses both techniques:
function outSig = sGen( srate, frqHz, durSeconds, cosFl )
% sGen( srate, frqHz, durSeconds, cosFl )
% Purpose: calculate a sine signal as a vector
% Input:
% srate = signal sample rate
% frqHz = signal frequency in Hertz
% durSeconds = length of the signal in seconds
% cosFl = 0 to compute a sine 1 to compute a cosine.
% Output: vector containing the a sinusoid of the specified sample rate
% duration and frequency.
% if a cosine was requested then set the initial phase to pi/2
if cosFl != 0
phaseOffset = pi/2;
% otherwise set initial phase to 0
phaseOffset = 0;
% calculate the number of samples in the output signal
N = floor(durSeconds * srate);
% initialize the output signal vector to all zeros
outSig = zeros(1,N);
% for each value of n between 0 and N calculate the output sample
for n = 0:N-1
outSig(n+1) = sin( (2*pi*frqHz*n/srate) + phaseOffset);
% a computationally faster and more succinct way to compute a sine signal
% outSig = sin( initPhase + (2*pi*frqHz/srate) .* [0:N-1])
endfunction- Notes:
- The comment block immediately following the first line of the function is given as the help text for the function. At the octave prompt type: help sGen to see how it is used.
- Notice how the code is indented. The body of the if statement and for loop is indented. This is conventional text programming style and is generally considered to make the code easier to read. The indenting however has no bearing on the functionality of the program.
- The floor() function is used force the number of samples in the output signal to be an integer. Needless to say it wouldn't make sense to have a fractional count of samples in a signal (What would it mean to have ½ a sample?). Using floor() is a good idea when computing a value which must be an integer – like a sample count or matrix index. Use help floor to find out the algorithm floor() uses to convert fractional number into integers.
- Other useful flow control statements are: while(), switch(), and elseif. Look these up in the octave documentation to find out how they work.
Getting Started with Octave Programing
The easiest way to begin writing octave programs is to begin with an existing script and modify it in a series of small increments. This approach is often effective when learning a new programming language. The idea is to start from a simple working function, strip out it's contents, and incrementally replace it with new code. After each small change the program is executed. This way when the program doesn't work as expected or generates an error message it is clear which change produced the error. You can then back out of the change and try an alternative or search through the octave documentation to find a solution.These directions assume that you have already gone over the tutorial above and feel comfortable with creating, manipulating and displaying octave matrices. If you want more practice you should go through the on-line tutorial also.
Directions for writing a new octave function:
- Make a copy of the sumDiff.m script given above.
- Rename the file and function to the to the name of the new function you are writing (e.g. myNewFunction) .
- From the octave command prompt run the new function. It should behave exactly like the original sumDiff function.
- Change the argument list of myNewFunction to the arguments for the new function and delete (or comment out) the body of the function left over from sumDiff.
- In the body of myNewFunction print out the values of the new argument list.
function y = myNewFunction( arg0, arg1, arg2 )
y = 0
endfunction - Run the function again. This time the arguments that you pass should be printed to the console.
octave:1> myNewFunction(1,2,[4 5 6])
arg0 = 1
arg1 = 2
arg2 =
4 5 6
y = 10
ans = 10 - Now begin inserting new code into the body of the function. Don't add more than a couple of lines without running the script again.
- Debugging Tips:
- If you get stuck on particular error or aren't sure how to proceed try experimenting at the octave command prompt with simple examples of the octave commands you are using.
- While you are developing signal processing functions start with very low sample rates (e.g. 16 or 32). Low sample rates produce small signal vectors which you can easily verify using the plot() function or by examining the values directly. As a rule listening to the output of an audio signal processing function should only be done after you have verified the process numerically or graphically at a low sample rate.
- Leave the semicolons off the end of each new line of code. This way the result of the calculation is printed to the console when you run it. Once you are sure the calculation is producing a valid value append the semicolon so you are not confused by cluttered output on the console window.
- Many bugs in octave programming are a result of mismatched matrix sizes. If you encounter error messages like this:
error: product: nonconformant arguments (op1 is 1x3, op2 is 1x4)
print out the size of the vector just prior to the operation which generates the message. For example if the the code
error: evaluating binary operator `.*' near line 59, columnv0 + v1
is producing the error. Change the code to:size(v0)
to print out the vector sizes. If the sizes still appear to be correctly matched then examine the documentation for the function or operation you are performing to be sure that you are clear about the data size requirements. Don't forget that the element by element multiply and divide operations on matrices require use of dot version of the multiply and divide operators (e.g. .* or ./ )
v0 + v1
- Don't believe the line numbers reported in the error message too much. Often the reported line number is just after (or before) the line containing the error. You should treat the line numbers as suggestions regarding where to look for the error rather than as absolute fact. The same is true of the error messages themselves. Often the message will indicate a different problem than the one which actually exists. This shouldn't be too surprising; if octave knew the real problem it would fix it and not bother you about it. This is just another reason to use the incremental development approach. After solving a few bugs you will quickly start to recognize patterns in the way the program responds and reports trouble.
Numeric Data Types
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Numeric Data Types
A numeric constant may be a scalar, a vector, or a matrix, and it may contain complex values.
The simplest form of a numeric constant, a scalar, is a single number that can be an integer, a decimal fraction, a number in scientific (exponential) notation, or a complex number. Note that all numeric constants are represented within Octave in double-precision floating point format (complex constants are stored as pairs of double-precision floating point values). Here are some examples of real-valued numeric constants, which all have the same value:
To specify complex constants, you can write an expression of the form
3 + 4i
3.0 + 4.0i
0.3e1 + 40e-1i
all of which are equivalent. The letter `i' in the previous example stands for the pure imaginary constant, defined as
For Octave to recognize a value as the imaginary part of a complex constant, a space must not appear between the number and the `i'. If it does, Octave will print an error message, like this:
octave:13> 3 + 4 i
parse error:
3 + 4 i
You may also use `j', `I', or `J' in place of the `i' above. All four forms are equivalent.
It is easy to define a matrix of values in Octave. The size of the matrix is determined automatically, so it is not necessary to explicitly state the dimensions. The expression
a = [1, 2; 3, 4]
results in the matrix
Elements of a matrix may be arbitrary expressions, provided that the dimensions all make sense when combining the various pieces. For example, given the above matrix, the expression
[ a, a ]
produces the matrix
ans =
1 2 1 2
3 4 3 4
but the expression
[ a, 1 ]
produces the error
error: number of rows must match near line 13, column 6
(assuming that this expression was entered as the first thing on line 13, of course).
Inside the square brackets that delimit a matrix expression, Octave looks at the surrounding context to determine whether spaces and newline characters should be converted into element and row separators, or simply ignored, so commands like
[ linspace (1, 2) ]
a = [ 1 2
3 4 ]
will work. However, some possible sources of confusion remain. For example, in the expression
[ 1 - 1 ]
the `-' is treated as a binary operator and the result is the scalar 0, but in the expression
[ 1 -1 ]
the `-' is treated as a unary operator and the result is the vector [ 1, -1 ]
Given a = 1
, the expression
[ 1 a' ]
results in the single quote character `'' being treated as a transpose operator and the result is the vector [ 1, 1 ]
, but the expression
[ 1 a ' ]
produces the error message
error: unterminated string constant
because to not do so would make it impossible to correctly parse the valid expression
[ a 'foo' ]
For clarity, it is probably best to always use commas and semicolons to separate matrix elements and rows. It is possible to enforce this style by setting the built-in variable whitespace_in_literal_matrix
to "ignore"
- Built-in Variable: whitespace_in_literal_matrix
- This variable allows some control over how Octave decides to convert spaces to commas and semicolons in matrix expressions like
[m (1)]
or[ 1, 2,
3, 4 ]If the value of
, Octave will never insert a comma or a semicolon in a literal matrix list. For example, the expression[1 2]
will result in an error instead of being treated the same as[1, 2]
, and the expression[ 1, 2,
3, 4 ]will result in the vector
[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
instead of a matrix.If the value of
, Octave will convert spaces to a comma between identifiers and `('. For example, given the matrixm = [3 2]
the expression
[m (1)]
will be parsed as
[m, (1)]
and will result in
[3 2 1]
and the expression
[ 1, 2,
3, 4 ]will result in a matrix because the newline character is converted to a semicolon (row separator) even though there is a comma at the end of the first line (trailing commas or semicolons are ignored). This is apparently how MATLAB behaves.
Any other value for
results in behavior that is the same as traditional, except that Octave does not convert spaces to a comma between identifiers and `('. For example, the expression[m (1)]
will produce `3'. This is the way Octave has always behaved.
When you type a matrix or the name of a variable whose value is a matrix, Octave responds by printing the matrix in with neatly aligned rows and columns. If the rows of the matrix are too large to fit on the screen, Octave splits the matrix and displays a header before each section to indicate which columns are being displayed. You can use the following variables to control the format of the output.
- Built-in Variable: output_max_field_width
- This variable specifies the maximum width of a numeric output field. The default value is 10.
- Built-in Variable: output_precision
- This variable specifies the minimum number of significant figures to display for numeric output. The default value is 5.
It is possible to achieve a wide range of output styles by using different values of output_precision
and output_max_field_width
. Reasonable combinations can be set using the format
function. See section Basic Input and Output.
- Built-in Variable: split_long_rows
- For large matrices, Octave may not be able to display all the columns of a given row on one line of your screen. This can result in missing information or output that is nearly impossible to decipher, depending on whether your terminal truncates or wraps long lines.
If the value of
is nonzero, Octave will display the matrix in a series of smaller pieces, each of which can fit within the limits of your terminal width. Each set of rows is labeled so that you can easily see which columns are currently being displayed. For example:octave:13> rand (2,10)
ans =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.75883 0.93290 0.40064 0.43818 0.94958 0.16467
0.75697 0.51942 0.40031 0.61784 0.92309 0.40201
Columns 7 through 10:
0.90174 0.11854 0.72313 0.73326
0.44672 0.94303 0.56564 0.82150The default value of
is nonzero.
Octave automatically switches to scientific notation when values become very large or very small. This guarantees that you will see several significant figures for every value in a matrix. If you would prefer to see all values in a matrix printed in a fixed point format, you can set the built-in variable fixed_point_format
to a nonzero value. But doing so is not recommended, because it can produce output that can easily be misinterpreted.
- Built-in Variable: fixed_point_format
- If the value of this variable is nonzero, Octave will scale all values in a matrix so that the largest may be written with one leading digit. The scaling factor is printed on the first line of output. For example,
octave:1> logspace (1, 7, 5)'
ans =
1.0e+07 *
1.00000Notice that first value appears to be zero when it is actually 1. For this reason, you should be careful when setting
to a nonzero value.The default value of
is 0.
Empty Matrices
A matrix may have one or both dimensions zero, and operations on empty matrices are handled as described by Carl de Boor in An Empty Exercise, SIGNUM, Volume 25, pages 2--6, 1990 and C. N. Nett and W. M. Haddad, in A System-Theoretic Appropriate Realization of the Empty Matrix Concept, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Volume 38, Number 5, May 1993.
By default, dimensions of the empty matrix are printed along with the empty matrix symbol, `[]'. The built-in variable print_empty_dimensions
controls this behavior.
- Built-in Variable: print_empty_dimensions
- If the value of
is nonzero, the dimensions of empty matrices are printed along with the empty matrix symbol, `[]'. For example, the expressionzeros (3, 0)
will print
ans = [](3x0)
Empty matrices may also be used in assignment statements as a convenient way to delete rows or columns of matrices. See section Assignment Expressions.
Octave will normally issue a warning if it finds an empty matrix in the list of elements that make up another matrix. You can use the variable empty_list_elements_ok
to suppress the warning or to treat it as an error.
- Built-in Variable: empty_list_elements_ok
- This variable controls whether Octave ignores empty matrices in a matrix list.
For example, if the value of
is nonzero, Octave will ignore the empty matrices in the expressiona = [1, [], 3, [], 5]
and the variable
will be assigned the value[ 1, 3, 5 ]
.The default value is
When Octave parses a matrix expression, it examines the elements of the list to determine whether they are all constants. If they are, it replaces the list with a single matrix constant.
- Built-in Variable: propagate_empty_matrices
- If the value of
is nonzero, functions likeinverse
will return an empty matrix if they are given one as an argument. The default value is 1.
A range is a convenient way to write a row vector with evenly spaced elements. A range expression is defined by the value of the first element in the range, an optional value for the increment between elements, and a maximum value which the elements of the range will not exceed. The base, increment, and limit are separated by colons (the `:' character) and may contain any arithmetic expressions and function calls. If the increment is omitted, it is assumed to be 1. For example, the range
1 : 5
defines the set of values `[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]', and the range
1 : 3 : 5
defines the set of values `[ 1, 4 ]'.
Although a range constant specifies a row vector, Octave does not convert range constants to vectors unless it is necessary to do so. This allows you to write a constant like `1 : 10000' without using 80,000 bytes of storage on a typical 32-bit workstation.
Note that the upper (or lower, if the increment is negative) bound on the range is not always included in the set of values, and that ranges defined by floating point values can produce surprising results because Octave uses floating point arithmetic to compute the values in the range. If it is important to include the endpoints of a range and the number of elements is known, you should use the linspace
function instead (see section Special Utility Matrices).
When Octave parses a range expression, it examines the elements of the expression to determine whether they are all constants. If they are, it replaces the range expression with a single range constant.
Predicates for Numeric Objects
- Function File: is_square (x)
- If x is a square matrix, then return the dimension of x. Otherwise, return 0.
- Function File: is_symmetric (x, tol)
- If x is symmetric within the tolerance specified by tol, then return the dimension of x. Otherwise, return 0. If tol is omitted, use a tolerance equal to the machine precision.
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